kind words from sweet souls.
“If I had one word to sum up my experience with Alessia it would be "pivotal."”
Kara M.
“Alessia has the unique ability to understand what you are going through and make you feel at home with your feelings.”
Annie G.
“In just three months of working with Alessia, I made more progress in overcoming my blind spots than in the previous three years of attending various workshops and reading self-help books.”
Anna K.
“If you are looking for someone who is on your Team who will support you and guide you in a positive non-judgmental way then Alessia is the coach for you. I now feel more at peace with my thoughts and looking positively towards the future taking her guidance with me.”
Isabelle I.
Andy D.
Project Manager
I came to life coaching quite late in life and it was a chance comment by a CBT therapist that planted the seed. I started doing a bit of research and spoke to a couple of people, but nothing really clicked. I reached out to Alessia, but I didn’t necessarily expect a reply as I think her customer base is usually women. Nonetheless, she responded, and I’m so glad she did!
Alessia’s approach is very organised and aims and objectives are well clarified early on. Although sessions are client-led, Alessia keeps things very structured and on track. Each session results in clear actions for the next meeting with check-ins in between.
Alessia brings energy, humanity and a way of maintaining a safe space for what can at times be deep introspection. Her observations are laser-focused and her questions really strip back to the underlying issues in a very constructive way. The sessions can be emotional and challenging, but her humour, empathy and kindness make them exciting and enjoyable too! As a result of our time together, I feel able to make changes in my life that have been inhibiting me for a long time, in some cases as far back as childhood, and am much more able to take things in my stride. I’m still learning and exploring but I can’t thank Alessia enough for the time we spent together and how that helped to build my confidence to believe in myself.
Andy D.
Project Manager
I came to life coaching quite late in life and it was a chance comment by a CBT therapist that planted the seed. I started doing a bit of research and spoke to a couple of people, but nothing really clicked. I reached out to Alessia, but I didn’t necessarily expect a reply as I think her customer base is usually women. Nonetheless, she responded, and I’m so glad she did!
Alessia’s approach is very organised and aims and objectives are well clarified early on. Although sessions are client-led, Alessia keeps things very structured and on track. Each session results in clear actions for the next meeting with check-ins in between.
Alessia brings energy, humanity and a way of maintaining a safe space for what can at times be deep introspection. Her observations are laser-focused and her questions really strip back to the underlying issues in a very constructive way. The sessions can be emotional and challenging, but her humour, empathy and kindness make them exciting and enjoyable too! As a result of our time together, I feel able to make changes in my life that have been inhibiting me for a long time, in some cases as far back as childhood, and am much more able to take things in my stride. I’m still learning and exploring but I can’t thank Alessia enough for the time we spent together and how that helped to build my confidence to believe in myself.
Lucy T.
Tarot reader + website Designer
When I began working with Alessia I was around 10 months into working for myself but was preparing to transition into a different business model. I was also navigating a cross-continent relationship and living out of a backpack between the UK and Chile. Needless to say, I was struggling. Most specifically with cutting through the noise and the huge to-do list to get to the core of what I really needed and wanted and, even more crucially, when. I needed to prioritize big time.
Choosing to work with Alessia was so instantaneous I can’t even remember thinking about it. I believe there was the desire bubbling beneath me for quite some time to work with a coach, but it went completely ignored. Signing up was almost like my physical body acting on its own behalf! No thought, just movement!
Despite working with coaches on their businesses and being a trained coach myself, I had never actually been the client! I think that because I was familiar with the tools, I assumed I was using them on myself. So not true! Because of this blind spot, I went into coaching thinking I knew how it would unfold. Also so not true! I thought it would be great, but predictable, but it was so much more!
I had already felt a great connection with Alessia in our clarity call so I was genuinely really excited. Since working with her everything has changed! It was super early on in our first call that all my intentions for working with her got completely flipped around. I had come with a controlling, Type A personality of wanting to ‘smash through the blocks’ and ‘get shit done’. In around 20 minutes she expertly heard and reflected back to me everything that wasn’t being said, and supported me to witness what I actually craved: slowing down, self-care and building roots within myself and my environments.
Because of our time together, my intentions and instincts within my everyday routines have really shifted gear. My morning routines have gone from a ‘nice to have’ to a non-negotiable and I’ve really relaxed the high-impact, unrealistic goals I was setting for myself. The work goals I had for myself are unfolding and moving as they should be, but my perceptions have changed. I’ve really seen how time actually expands when I look after myself and step away from all the screen time. I’m now journalling at least 5 days a week, which is something I always wanted to do but just didn’t. It’s become so much a part of my life now that I can’t see myself giving it up. This has brought loving self-reflection back into my everyday life, instead of what I now realize was self-critique. It really does just feel like my instinctual way of being has just changed, or more realistically, shifted back to its natural state. I just feel more like myself. More spacious and MUCH more relaxed. This has opened myself up to a daily joy I was just missing out on before.
Working with Alessia was an intimate, honest, and expansive experience. Her guidance really did just come at the right time for me. I had been exploring more gentle ways of being, but I just know that without her input it would not have dropped within me in the way it has. Alessia is an incredible coach and I can easily see that she is doing exactly what she’s supposed to be.
Jade Z.
Plexus Consultant
When I first started working with Alessia I was struggling with motivation and self-confidence. I would say there was a hint of postpartum depression as well as finding my groove as a mom at play. Starting out I was a bit nervous because I had never worked with a coach before. I learned a lot about myself throughout the process, things that snowballed and affected other areas of my life. Learning to manage those things has helped me tremendously with external factors in my life. If I’m being honest, I imagined that the journey would be less work than it turned out to be! Since working with Alessia my fiance has noticed I am a lot happier! Working with Alessia was eye-opening, refreshing, and motivating. The only thing I wish is that we had had more time together to build on the motivation I gained towards the end of our series. I truly loved our coaching sessions! They always left me feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. Alessia helped me open my eyes to things in my subconscious and small changes in the way I act to help me thrive overall and I am so thankful for our sessions together!!
Anna K.
Commercial Real Estate & Nutritional Therapist
Alessia is an incredibly talented, intuitive, and passionate coach. In just three months of working with Alessia, I made more progress in overcoming my blind spots than in the previous three years of attending various transformational workshops, reading self-help books etc. She has been a mirror for me, showing me where I stand in my own way. Alessia intuitively knows when to serve tough love and accountability, when to hold space, and when to inspire. Through our work together I gained an appreciation for my unique gifts, learned self-compassion (completely transforming my inner dialogue), and found a doorway for my type-A personality to let go and surrender. The impact of the coaching reverberated through all areas of my life. I now feel excited to share my gifts and passion project with the world, have greater ease in my relationships and have shifted from being my own worst critic to the role of a supportive friend. I am so thankful for her coaching and for pushing me to shatter my long held self-limiting beliefs. I highly recommend Alessia for anyone looking for a transformation in their life.
Lisa T.
When I started working with Alessia I had just moved to Italy and I was nervous and anxious about my future. I wanted to work on my writing and graphic design work but I was frozen due to fear of putting myself out there and I struggled with imposter syndrome greatly. I was at a pivotal point in my life; I was ready to do something different with my future but I didn't have any tools to do that by myself.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a great experience with a previous coach I had reached out to so I was very apprehensive to work with another but Alessia didn't force anything on me, she encouraged me to look into it and make sure it was what I wanted to do. As opposed to my past experience, I felt entirely at ease and I didn't feel pushed into something I wasn't ready for.
Before the first session, I was excited. I was incredibly ready for change and growth. During our time together, I came face to face with stories I held in the core of my being for many years. This was vital as it was the start of me looking at my mentality with objectivity rather than overwhelmed by feelings and emotions
One of the biggest changes that occurred during our time together was fully realising that I am in control of myself and that I ensure my own happiness. When my mentality changed, my life did too. I finished work that I had procrastinated on for years, I am actually, truly happy and my anxiety has lessened too. For so long, I carried these stories with me because I thought they were who I was but I realised the opposite is true. I had outgrown them a long time ago, I just wasn't ready and didn't have the tools to let them go.
I am so much happier now than I have been in quite some time. Working with Alessia allowed me to understand the mentality I had around everything and how I could release those that weren't benefitting me. As it was my first time truly working with a coach, I wish I had taken better advantage of Alessia's support system. I don't think I fully understood her when she said she was available outside of our sessions for support. Looking back, to have Alessia's support during sessions and outside is an amazing aspect of her coaching approach.
I truly feel that working with Alessia was enlightening, relieving, and guiding. Alessia took her time with me and I truly felt heard by her. She was sincere, constant, and no BS (which is how I work best) all while being very kind and understanding. She gave me tools that I didn't have before and gave me the key for me to open many doors after the sessions. I am so glad our paths crossed.
Annie G.
Life Coach
When I first started working with Alessia I was struggling with trust and didn't have that deep faith in myself. I wanted to shift some of my mindset blocks but something was just missing and I couldn't figure it out on my own. Once we started talking, I instantly knew that Alessia could truly help me. Alessia has the unique ability to understand what you are going through and make you feel at home with your feelings! She made me feel valued and heard. She truly saw me for who I am and wasn't afraid to call me out on my limiting beliefs! Her confidence was also super inspiring - she knows what she is doing and she's absolutely great at it. By the end of the first session, I knew I was in the right place -- my mindset had slowly started to shift. I felt like the trust I was searching for was there all along and all I had to do was walk towards it. Three months later - I really did it! Since I finished our series, friends and family have commented how much more at peace with myself I am and how much more accepting I am of myself and life situations. Once I started building on my faith, everything changed for the better. I now believe more in myself, in what I am and what I do. I rewrote my stories, released my limiting beliefs and leaned on trust. I became more connected with myself and with life as a whole and now I have more courage to step into the uncertainty. As a result, I feel so much more confident in my work, my ideas and my potential. I now have this renewed, invigorating sense of faith that I wouldn't have achieved without Alessia! She's amazing! Our series was truly magical, mindset shifting, and renewing!
Andy D.
Project Manager
I came to life coaching quite late in life and it was a chance comment by a CBT therapist that planted the seed. I started doing a bit of research and spoke to a couple of people, but nothing really clicked. I reached out to Alessia, but I didn’t necessarily expect a reply as I think her customer base is usually women. Nonetheless, she responded, and I’m so glad she did!
Alessia’s approach is very organised and aims and objectives are well clarified early on. Although sessions are client-led, Alessia keeps things very structured and on track. Each session results in clear actions for the next meeting with check-ins in between.
Alessia brings energy, humanity and a way of maintaining a safe space for what can at times be deep introspection. Her observations are laser-focused and her questions really strip back to the underlying issues in a very constructive way. The sessions can be emotional and challenging, but her humour, empathy and kindness make them exciting and enjoyable too! As a result of our time together, I feel able to make changes in my life that have been inhibiting me for a long time, in some cases as far back as childhood, and am much more able to take things in my stride. I’m still learning and exploring but I can’t thank Alessia enough for the time we spent together and how that helped to build my confidence to believe in myself.
Andy D.
Project Manager
I came to life coaching quite late in life and it was a chance comment by a CBT therapist that planted the seed. I started doing a bit of research and spoke to a couple of people, but nothing really clicked. I reached out to Alessia, but I didn’t necessarily expect a reply as I think her customer base is usually women. Nonetheless, she responded, and I’m so glad she did!
Alessia’s approach is very organised and aims and objectives are well clarified early on. Although sessions are client-led, Alessia keeps things very structured and on track. Each session results in clear actions for the next meeting with check-ins in between.
Alessia brings energy, humanity and a way of maintaining a safe space for what can at times be deep introspection. Her observations are laser-focused and her questions really strip back to the underlying issues in a very constructive way. The sessions can be emotional and challenging, but her humour, empathy and kindness make them exciting and enjoyable too! As a result of our time together, I feel able to make changes in my life that have been inhibiting me for a long time, in some cases as far back as childhood, and am much more able to take things in my stride. I’m still learning and exploring but I can’t thank Alessia enough for the time we spent together and how that helped to build my confidence to believe in myself.
Sara A.
Senior Data Analyst
When I first started working with Alessia, I was really miserable with my job, was soon to be moving out of my flat and was generally experiencing a real lack of passion for life. I was searching to find the joy that life has to offer again. I had done therapy in the past, but felt like I needed a more structured approach to my life and life coaching seemed a good option to try. This was my first experience with life coaching and I remember after our first call feeling immediately lighter. During our sessions, the core issue of not feeling good enough became clear as did the initial steps I needed to take. My friends and family have all noticed I’m in a much calmer energy than I was before and just generally much happier.I feel far more connected to the world than ever before and it’s allowed me to trust in the universe. That in itself has given me a sense of calmness and that’s transcended into the rest of my life. I now have a much better balance. Coaching with alessia was enlightening, fun and rewarding. If I had any advice to give to people considering coaching with Alessia it would be to just do it! There are only positives that await you!
Tina A.
Reiki practioner + educator
When I first started working with Alessia I was struggling to find the confidence to put myself out there as a Reiki practitioner. I decided to work with Alessia because I loved the idea of being supported and held accountable to what I wanted to accomplish. I had never worked with a coach before but I was eager to gain experiences that would help me see my situation in a different light.
At the beginning I was nervous but I was also excited about having someone guide me through my initial struggles of sharing my Reiki with the community. I felt I was able to really connect with Alessia. I had quite a few 'aha' moments by her talking me through situations or scenarios. They were quite eye-opening and for that I am eternally grateful.
After working with Alessia I’ve realized how important self-care and self-love are. She spoke with me about different ways I could do this and I've really taken it to heart. I am more calm, focused and confident in both my work and home life. Even some of my closest family have noticed that I seem more confident in my Reiki practice. I seem calmer and able to deal with situations more clearly.
This coaching experience felt expansive. She was very compassionate and personable.
I truly enjoyed working with Alessia. I feel as though I have gained the confidence to really get my feet off the ground. The way she would give me feedback and tell me how proud she was of me, made me feel so great!
Alicia F.
When I first connected with Alessia I struggled with negative thoughts. I worried about almost everything and was ashamed of being a highly sensitive person. I wanted to learn how to handle my emotions better, to worry less and to appreciate the little things. I had worked on myself for many years - reading plenty of books, doing different exercises, going to different psychologists etc - unfortunately with no results.
Life coaching was something completely new for me - and also the best decision I’ve ever made! Alessia is the best coach I have ever worked with! She gave me advice and strategies I had never thought of before. I truly feel that the deep dive session with her gave me something that I had not experienced before.
After our session I felt more positive about the future. I learned that being a highly sensitive person is nothing to be ashamed of - instead it’s a gift in life! Alessia gave me different methods for how to work with myself and my thoughts. I am so thankful for having had the opportunity to work with her because it has really made my life situation better. Today I have a deeper trust in myself and more self-confidence. I feel happier and more positive about the future.
Life coaching with Alessia was extraordinary, inspiring and unforgettable. I would definitely recommend her to everyone!