How to fall in love with your life


What do you need to fall more in love with your life? 

Even if things are already great - what would make them even better?

And if things aren’t so hot - take a second and think about what’s missing.

What could you use a dose of?
What are you craving? 

Perhaps it’s your own love + attention.

Maybe it’s a change of energy.

Maybe you need to establish better boundaries, ditch old routines or create new rituals.

Whatever it might be, take a second and try to find a way to give it to yourself. 

You are worthy of having your needs met.
You are worthy of your desires.
You are just worthy - period.

This little love note came to me off the back of a really strange week in which I spent most of my time physically ill and mentally, emotionally and spiritually empty simply because I was choosing to give my power away.

If that sounds intense, trust me it was. And the intensity was in direct proportion to my own level of self-awareness.

I was as sick as I was because I am normally so tuned in to my own energy that when I stopped being even for a little while I felt the consequences in a big way.

It wasn’t until I realized that I wasn’t fully in my own vibe that I started to feel better.

I wasn’t living MY life. I wasn’t walking MY path. I wasn’t listening to my own inner guidance so that same guidance was making itself known in other, less pleasant ways. 🙈

This mini shitstorm that I’ve been through has reminded me how much I want to carve my own path.

This week I got tripped up in doing things the way other people wanted me to. Why? Because I allowed myself to believe that they knew better than me (spoiler alert: they do not).

But sometimes getting OFF your path is exactly what you need to remind yourself why you’re on it in the first place.

I fell out of love with my own existence this week because I was living for other people and dancing to the beat of THEIR drum instead of my own.

I was following their advice. Moving the way they move in the world. I was prioritizing what was right for them over what I know to be right for me.

But now I’m back in my vibe reconnecting to my power and I wanted to share this lesson with you.

There is no one that knows you better than you.

There isn’t a single person on planet earth who knows your heart, your soul, your spirit better than you do.

No one can give you the secret to going after what you really want. And I can promise you that very few people will give you the permission you’re desiring to make that happen. You need to give that to yourself.

You deserve to create a life that you love.

And not because you’ve “worked hard” or “earned it” somehow. But simply because you are.

Because you’ve decided that you are worthy of it.

Don’t waste even a second of your precious life believing otherwise.


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I can shine brightly when I am cared for